9. Exploring a Complex Process or Procedure

Here’s the Exploring a Complex Process or Procedure learning interaction from my eBook, Engaging Interactions For eLearning:

Description: Show a diagram of a process or procedure and instruct the learner to explore the diagram by moving their mouse over the different parts (ex. the different steps of the procedure). Have the different parts of the image spring to life as the learner explores them. Use animation or text to show/describe the inner workings of each section.

You may also consider giving the learner a (virtual) magnifying glass that allows them to zoom in and out.

Allow the learner to explore the entire diagram, but also do a recap at the end to make sure all points are made and that no area was left out.

You may also have the learner explain part of the diagram in their own words, or have them try to predict part of the diagram (using clues) before it is revealed.

Example: Show an image that displays the workings of an assembly line. Show a product being assembled and allow the learner to explore and view information about the different steps.
Level(s) of Interaction: 2, 3
Knowledge Type(s): Factual

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